
december 1941 - keerpunt in de oorlog

Kameraden en vrienden, 70 jaar geleden, december 1941, was de Tweede Wereldoorlog in alle hevigheid bezig.
Prof. Jacques Pauwels argumenteert dat toen het keerpunt van de oorlog plaats vond, niet omwille van Pearl Harbour, maar omwille van de Soviet tegenaanval.

The Soviet counter-offensive destroyed the reputation of invincibility in which the Wehrmacht had basked ever since its success against Poland in 1939, thus boosting the morale of Germany’s enemies everywhere. The Battle of Moscow also ensured that the bulk of Germany’s armed forces would be tied to an eastern front of approximately 4,000 km for an indefinite period of time, which all but eliminated the possibility of German operations against Gibraltar, for example, and thus provided tremendous relief to the British. Conversely, the failure of the Blitzkrieg demoralized the Fins and other German allies. And so forth…

It was in front of Moscow, in December 1941, that the tide turned, because it was there that the Blitzkrieg failed and that Nazi Germany was consequently forced to fight, without sufficient resources, the kind of long, drawn-out war that Hitler and his generals knew they could not possibly win.

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