
Fascisme in Japanse popcultuur

Voor de liefhebbers van een stevige cultuur-analyse, de vrienden van de History Workshop hebben een zeer lezenswaardig artikel. Fascist Femininity in Japanese Pop-Culture door Zachary Fairbrother.



Looking to a samurai past for masculinist inspiration, the 1960s far-right was a wholly masculine space. Today, things have changed. Japanese pop-culture, global in distribution, is replete with fascist tropes; yet now they are as likely to be expressed through schoolgirls as through samurai chauvinists. Extreme ideas are thereby outwardly pacified, but are in fact no less dangerous. Tracing the recent history of gender and far-right pop-culture in Japan can help us to recognise fascism in truly global media.


Through anime, manga, and pop-culture, fascism and militarism are continually transmitted to a global fanbase, leading some fans to enter actual far-right spaces. Sometimes, masculine virulence encourages fans to respect fascistic characters. More often, childlike femininity is combined with violent, fascist aesthetics, rendering them outwardly harmless but actually no less dangerous for fans seeking radical solutions to economic stagnation and cultural atomisation. As the far-right resurges globally, popular media continues to be utilised to repackage fascist agendas for new audiences.




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